Yesterday evening, Father's Day, I started clearing out the boxes I finally retrieved from the storage lock-up. The plan is to chip away at it by doing a couple of boxes a week.
Of course the first one I open contained Mr Trifectagirl's day-planners, which also operated as a very sporadic journal.
Since they go back to the early 1980s (including some school diaries!!) they're something I can't ditch. At least not yet. There's too much of him in there that will be useful for J to know his dad.
I also have a project idea brewing, but it will be a time-intensive one. And is simply added to the end of the queue of project ideas I wish to undertake.
So much for the plan of going through and getting rid off stuff. At least box #2 was more successful on that side - I didn' keep anywhere near as much of that.
I like that I made this discovery on what would have been Mr Trifectagirl's 2nd Father's Day. It wasn't really a sad moment, but a heartwarming one.
Happy you found some wonderful memories that will help John know his daddy =) Good luck going through the rest of the boxes!