Monday, 3 October 2011

TIBMTD - September Wrap

I like this accountability thing - I actually get stuff done!!

Ironing - done, rebuilt, needs to be done again.  This is going to require a routine, me thunks.

Carport clean-up  was not touched.  I'm thinking the wardrobe can be re-purposed when we have a bigger house as either a sewing or study nook (or one side for each - thinking, thinking).  My Dad's council area's Hard Rubbish collection in November should clear a bit of the junk that's out there.

Donations have been shifted to my donations box (with a few other bits and pieces), but I've not gotten anywhere to under the bed.  Baby J is now on the move, so this is up the priority tree! I also didn't get further on the shelves, so that is also a priority.

I got the garden jobs done, plus the mending. 

Oh the mending - two buttons on to items. A repair to Mr Trifectagirl's pants and repaired a pair of my pants - only to find they no longer fit!  Oh well, that's what you get for leaving things a year and a pregnancy.

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