Sunday, 26 February 2012

Single Parenthood- short term

Mr Trifectagirl has spent the last 4 nights in hospital following a scheduled procedure. 

Working full time and being a single parent is crazy busy!  Especially if you throw in additional runs to the hospital because Mr Klutz spilt his coffee all over his pyjamas!

On the down side - J missed his daddy and kept looking around the house for him. 

On the up side - even with looking after a very mobile 1 year old, I have managed to get sooooo much house work done.  I was able to slip back into my old routine that worked really well for me pre-Mr Trifectagirl days.

There will be a bit of a talk happening once he's home - which will hopefully be later today!

Monday, 20 February 2012

Plague House

I spent Sunday curled up with Rotavirus. 

Horrid - plain and simple. 

Thankfully it passed really quickly, but I've decided not to risk infecting the office and have stayed home today.  I don't think passing it on would make me very popular!

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

A Productive Day

It feels really good when you have a productive day.

  • Study/sewing room tidied and some mending done.
  • Floors cleaned.
  • Garden tidied.
  • Bathroom cleaned.
  • Laundry done.

Pitty it's back to work tomorrow.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

I'm a Big Boy!!!

Yesterday was a big day in the Trifectagirl house-hold.  I turned 1!!

It was a special day si I woke up at 5:30am (a taste of Christmases to come, maybe??).  And crashed about 9am in a massive melt-down.

At least this nap enabled Mummy to finish making all the cakes and sandwiches and fruit skewers for my party and we headed off to the park.

Personally, I found mixing the ice with the dirt was the best bit of the party (and the picture is wonky)!

My Aunty Jenny made me a ladybug cake.  I LOOOVE the ladybug on Minuscule.

Mummy made me this tee-shirt, too.

Mummy made me a smash cake.  We don't have smash cakes in Australia, but Daddy doesn't like it when my hands are dirty.  I wanted a plate.

It was a fun party and I really, really needed to cuddle Big Teddy and sleep afterwards.

Happy Birthday to me!!


I am 1, I am NOT a baby

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Things I've Been Meaning to Do..February

Another month is well underway, so here's what I'm hoping to achieve this month.

1 - get rid of a whole heap of crap (for lack of a better term) in the carport.  This has been on the plan for a while, and thankfully Mr Trifectagirl booked a hard rubbish collection from the council.  We just need to pull everything together ready to go out tomorrow night.  That will be done this weekend with pick-up Tuesday!

2 - Sort our my photo files.  Baby J turns one this week (eeek - when did that happen!?!).  I need to get them both sorted and backed up.  ASAP!!

3 - Once the crap is gone from the carport, sell what is sellable (even if not for very much!!).

4 - prep the veggie garden for winter plantings.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Today I'm Grateful For...

Today I am greatful for...

keeping a pair flats at the office - I did that much running around, I needed them!!

Mr Trifectagirl who cleaned the house today.

That it's the last day of my work-week, and I get to spend time with Baby J tomorrow.