Saturday, 26 November 2011


This past Thursday was Thanksgiving day in the US.  I experienced Thanksgiving in 1991 when I lived in California, but it was a pretty simple day with my host family.
Reading Facebook posts, blog posts, it's a holiday I wish we had.  Unless you follow a religion and express your thanks during worship, we in Australia don't really have a national 'be thankful' day.  Some may use Christmas or Easter or other religious holiday, maybe ANZAC Day serves the purpose for some, but a day to reflect and be Thankful would benefit the country, I believe. I appreciate it's an historical holiday, based in the country's formation and therefore not really 'transportable', but I'd prefer Thanksgiving to have travelled here rather than Halloween.

There are some elements of Thanksgiving I don't want - it seems like an opportunity for extra family drama.  Getting the meal right for Thanksgiving seems to be more critical than getting the Christmas meal right and there's inordinant pressure on the host household.  Mind you, I've morphed green bean casserole to Christmas (and general use, actually), and want to sneak in marshmallow sweet potato - but Mr Trifectagirl's cardiologist would have his own heart attack with that one!

So, taking the opportunity, I am thankful for...

Mr Trifectagirl - the moment I saw him my reaction was 'that's him'.  And as much as we drive each other up the wall and tease each other, I love him to death.

Baby J - Baby J is an IVF baby. I'm thankful I had knowledge through BPW Australia's Think Fertility project, that I knew when to start asking questions and advocating for ourselves.  I'm thankful it only took two cycles to get Baby J, and I had an easy pregnancy (Mr Trifectagirl didn't, but I did ;)) 

My Friends, both on line and off.  I've got a great circle of US friends that I've made on-line.  In combination, we've shared infertility and babies and our lives.  We'll circle the wagons when needed much more than off-line friends seem to.   My off-line friends are a small group, and I we don't touch base as much as we should, but have events in place to ensure we do. 

My Job- I love where I work, it's a fantastic program that allows me to learn about all sorts of topics from world experts I never would become involved in otherwise. 

My House - as much as the lack of space is driving me completely bonkers, I'm thankful I have a roof over my head and am able to keep a roof over my family's head.  I just gotta solve this space problem! 

Rolling onto Christmas - decos will be out this weekend, and our Elf on the Shelf should arrive from the North Pole Thursday!

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Things I've Been Meaning To Do - November Edition

A new month, and new round of TIBMTD, thanks to Lazy Mom

I need to make my Neurnberger Lebkuchen since I didn't get it done in October.

We bought some storage cubes that need to be put together so I can keep all the extra stuff Mr Trifectagirl buys!! 

I got one shelf up - I still need to get the one for Baby J's room painted and up.

My wedding flowers are back from being dried, so I need to arrange to get them framed with a few other momentos from the wedding.

I'd like to be ready for Christmas by the end of the month!!

Not much else for this month - I'm sure I'll find more as the month progresses!

Sunday, 6 November 2011

TIBMTD - October Wrap

1 - Get those shelves up. The toilet one is now at least painted, and the plan today is to re-paint the room ready for it.  Done!!

2 - Sort out my office area and go through paperwork. The piles of paperwork is driving me nuts, and I need to make space for DH's as well.  Done, finally.

3- Not a meaning to do, but due this month - start baking my christmas cookies. They need a couple of months to mature.  I didn't get togetting a new oven and having it installed. Next weekend seems like a possible time, however. this - my oven died, so part of the month was spent getting that fixed.
4 - put more of the boxes around the place into storage - if there is room in the lock-up.  Got one box of baby clothes put away.  We also bought a modular system to make better use of closet space.

5 - cut and sew pants for Baby J - need to do this soon before he out-grows the size I've cut in the pattern!!  Done, and they'll hopefully fit for a month or so. These little people grow so quickly!

A pretty productive month all up -  I'm pleased.